Each member of the team has more than 30-years of experience in one or more of the service offerings. All have hands on leadership, management, operational and P/L experience in national, international and austere environments with key teammates. Where we lack specific hands-on experience of a service offering we have key relationships of professionals who do, and are willing to support GMP.
The Leadership Team has won and executed more than $18B of business in these markets during their professional careers and have personally had hands on success in each of these markets, usually in the specific capability operation. We have been successful because we operate ethically, transparently and honestly. For us this is a bedrock principle – our reputations and that of GMP matter much more than any business opportunity. We have insured that our key teammates and customers operate the same. We understand the difference between “Pay to Play” and providing “Subject Matter Expertise”.
Mr. J. Spencer (Spence) Wickham has 38 years of experience serving in key roles in several international companies throughout his career. He presently is marketing and developing Global MedService Partners which provides medical operations and services, IO&T, healthcare logistics services and full spectrum of new hospital construction to include; design and healthcare project management.
Spence’s experience within military and government services includes a broad spectrum of leadership positions across the globe. He served with DynCorp for 29 years in positions of progressively increasing responsibility. In past leadership assignments he has been responsible for $1.5B in operations, leading Business Development for the entire corporate enterprise, oversight of all corporation contracts and pricing actions, and financial management of key corporate programs. His past responsibilities have also included start-up of very successful programs operating in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, East Timor, Haiti, Bosnia, Pakistan, Columbia, Peru, Bolivia, Sudan, Palestine, and Liberia. These programs all required extensive logistics planning, camp planning/development, construction, medical construction and services and sustainment operations.
He served as Chief Executive Officer & President IAP Worldwide Services. While at IAP he led the Company through a debt restructuring and was able to secure an 83% reduction in debt. IAP grew its revenue and profitability during his tenure as President. He expanded their service offering to include US Government, Foreign Government and Commercial opportunities.
He spent 29 years at DynCorp International with his last position as the Senior Vice President, serving as Program Manager of the LOGCAP IV Program. As Program Manager he lead DynCorp’s flagship global contingency services contract providing a full spectrum of life support, medical, construction, and other associated services to U. S. and allied forces serving in Kuwait, Oman, and Afghanistan. Under Spence’s leadership the program quickly grew to produce close to two billion dollars ($2B USD) in annual revenue for DI.
Other positions of significant responsibility while at DI included: Senior Vice President for Operations, leading corporate reorganization into Strategic Business Units; Senior Vice President for Business Development, developing and executing a win strategy that resulted in $7.8B of new and recompeted business; and Senior Vice President for European Operations, responsible for all operations and business development in Europe.
Mr. Clark has more than 30-years of Hospital Engineering Support Services experience in Industrial, Medical and Health Care markets, and led Operations, Logistics, Maintenance, Training, Construction and Fielding endeavors. He has provided overall direction and coordination for over $500M in contract services for operational and financial management of government and commercial healthcare operations, maintenance and staffing contracts. Contracts included facility maintenance, medical equipment maintenance, medical operations, custodial, Initial Outfitting and Transition (IO&T), and minor construction services. Mr. Clark’s contracts have encompassed medical clinics and hospitals ranging in size to over $2.2M square feet and laboratories that include levels up to BSL4.
Mr. Clark was the prime Program Manager for the planning and implementation of the IO&T contract for the new U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) laboratory, a 946,000 sq. ft. complex Biosafety Level Four capable facility. He has worked successfully with Project Hope, the U.S. government, Southwest Asia/Middle East/North Africa governments and resident companies providing key Hospital Engineering Support Services in those regions.
Projects that demonstrate Mr. Clark’s Hospital Engineering Support Services include:
Construction planning and equipment outfitting for the Basrah Children's Hospital a pediatric oncology specialty hospital completed in 2010 in Basra, Iraq. (see pictures in Fred Gerber’s bio below)
Construction transition and maintenance services for the Ft. Belvoir Community Hospital, a 1.3M square foot U.S. Army regional hospital completed in 2011 in Ft. Belvoir, Virginia:
Construction transition and maintenance services for the St Elizabeth – Boardman, a 300K square foot hospital completed in 2007 in Boardman, Ohio:
Transition and Equipment Planning for the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases laboratory, an 800K square foot BSL-3/4 laboratory currently being completed with final equipment installation and commissioning:
Fred Gerber has more than 30-years of experience in international healthcare disaster response and relief, medical facility development, design, construction and outfitting operations. He has executive experience in large contracts dealing with Medical Planning, Logistics, Construction, Equipment, Operations/Maintenance, as well as developing and managing the Financial Programs necessary to execute these endeavors. Mr. Gerber routinely deals with government leaders and local international government representatives on programs under his leadership. While the Director of International Operations at Project Hope, Fred demonstrated a consistent record of establishing and maintaining close personal relationships with these governments as a direct result of his executing key, successful medical programs.
A representative of Mr. Gerber's international facility construction and outfitting experience is the Basrah Children's Hospital, a Level III referral pediatric oncology specialty hospital completed in 2010 in Basra, Iraq.